On February 20, the H-2B Workforce Coalition delivered the H-2B Workforce Coalition Principles for Comprehensive Immigration Reform to Capitol Hill. This document was created with input from Thoroughbred racing and other industries that rely on the H-2B visa temporary worker program. The principles are designed to convey to federal lawmakers the efficacy of the existing H-2B program. The NTRA is an active member of the H-2B Workforce Coalition.
The H-2B program is at risk due to recent efforts by the U.S. Department of Labor to impose onerous changes that would severely limit the usefulness of the H-2B program to Thoroughbred trainers and other employers who rely heavily on the existing program.
Click here to read the entire H-2B Workforce document. Below is an abbreviated list of its principles.
- Immigration reform must maintain a viable seasonal worker program along the lines of the existing H-2B program for non-agricultural workers.
- Immigration reform must maintain the current protections for American and H-2B workers and not impose burdensome new requirements on employers who use the H-2B program.
- Wage rates required to be paid to H-2B and similarly employed American workers must be based on local markets.