Federal Legislative Advocacy
The NTRA’s federal legislative advocacy team addresses issues that have a direct and material effect on Thoroughbred industry participants and their business activities, whether those activities relate to racing, breeding or pari-mutuel wagering.
Along with other industry stakeholder groups inside and outside of racing, the NTRA also supports Congressional education programs on matters like agriculture and immigration which affect all breeds and equine disciplines.
Two programs support the NTRA’s work on Capitol Hill. The Legislative Action Campaign sustains the NTRA’s government relations and lobbying efforts. Sellers and buyers at public auction, sales companies, owners, farms and horseplayers contribute to the Legislative Action Campaign. The NTRA’s political action committee, Horse PAC®, supports specific candidates for re-election. Horse PAC® contributions come from individual NTRA members only. Federal law requires the NTRA to verify membership prior to soliciting Horse PAC® contributions.
For our industry, it is fundamental for us to have eyes, ears and voice monitoring the activity in Washington. NTRA has provided this leadership and for that I am most appreciative and strong support their efforts.
Our farm lives are demanding enough. It’s good to know that the NTRA is there to promote our legislative needs. They have my continued support.
It is of vital importance that every segment of this wonderful industry support the legislative efforts of the NTRA on a national scene. Things just don’t happen and we industry stakeholders need to be supportive of groups that see to it that the right things do happen. As a longtime owner/breeder, I have always found the NTRA to be responsive and always taking a leadership role. I do support their efforts and thank them.
As hard as those of us in the industry are working each day on our farms, we can’t forget how important it is to have a ‘sixth man’ like the NTRA supporting our team in Washington.
Legislative Supporters
We wish to thank the following buyers, sellers, consignors, farms, trainers and horseplayers who contributed to the NTRA’s 2023 Legislative Action Campaign.
2023 Legislative Supporters |
10 Flat Thoroughbreds |
2 Shades of Blue Racing |
Steve Abelman |
Thomas Adams |
James Adams |
Eric Adler |
John Agnello |
Sam & Janelle Aguiar |
Craig Aguiar |
Jose Aguirre |
Jerome J Aiken |
Scott Akman |
David Alcaro |
Randy Alderson |
Jose Miguel Aleman |
James Alessi |
Fred A. Alexander |
Asif Ali |
Dr Jeff Allen |
James Allender |
Tarek Almabrouk |
Jason Alonzo |
Saud Al-Qahtani |
Abdullah Alsalem |
Gerardo Amado |
Thomas Amenta |
American Equistock |
Anderson Farms |
Chad Anshelewitz |
Melissa L Anthony |
Jena Antonucci |
Joe Anzalone |
Christine Berkeley Applegate |
Lou Arellano |
Fawn Armstrong |
Sherry Arndt |
Tom Arndt |
G.R. Arnold, II |
Jeff Arthur |
Robert Arthur |
William Artz |
Ashview Farm |
Amber Atkins |
Ryan Atwell |
Audley Farm |
Bob Austin |
B. D. Gibbs Farm |
Ann Mudge Backer |
Backstreet Stable |
Jonathan Bailey |
Stephen Baker |
Jim Bakke |
Bal Mar Equine |
Euclides Balbas |
Geoff Ballero |
Steven Ballou |
Ballysax Bloodstock |
Jeffrey Banks |
Steven Banks |
Joseph & Helen Barbazon |
Victor Barboza Jr |
Alexandra Barchi |
Randall Barker |
Barrett Partners |
Kate Barton |
Richard Barton |
Bass Stables |
Joanne Batchelor |
Robert Bates |
Marc Bates |
Darrell Bauder |
William Baxter |
Beth Bayer |
Trey Baysinger |
Dallas Becker |
John Behnke |
Michael Behrens |
Paul Belanger |
Steve Belford |
Joshua Bell |
Bell Gable Stable |
Bemart Bloodstock |
Mario Bencomo |
Jim Benes |
Glenn Bennett |
Sean Berger |
John Bernard |
Dario Bernardi |
James Bernhard |
Craig Bernick |
David Bersen |
Kevin Bertram |
Best A Luck Farm |
Michael Beychok |
Ajay Bhan |
Luanne Bianchi |
William Anthony Bianco |
Rich Bieglmeier |
David Billings |
Chester Bishop |
Blackstone Farm |
Ron Blake |
Blandford Stud |
Charles Blanford |
Steve Blasco |
Sierra Blevins |
Adam Blick |
Todd Bloker |
Bloodstock Investments |
Blue Diamond Stud Farm |
Richard Blue Jr |
Bluegrass Thoroughbred Services |
Bluewater Sales |
Boardshorts Breeding & Racing |
Kevin Bogart |
Amy Boll |
James & Tina Bond |
Jeff Bonde |
Greg Bone |
John Boniface Sr |
Bonne Chance Farm |
Richard Bosshard Jr |
Dr & Mrs Thomas Bowman |
Rachel Boyer |
Steven Boynton |
Tom Bozarth |
Brett Brach |
Anthony Braddock |
Bradley Thoroughbreds |
Randy Bradshaw |
Nigel Branker |
Paul Braverman |
Scott Bray |
Kelly Breckner |
Alex Bregman |
Colin Brennan |
Brett Bresser |
Matthew Bright |
Val Brinkerhoff |
Rodolphe Brisset |
Robert Brittingham |
Joseph Brocklebank |
Thomas Brockley |
Glen "Bo" Bromagen |
Chester & Mary Broman |
Brookdale Sales |
Douglas Brown |
Ronney & Nicole Brown |
Alecysa Broyles |
Jim Bruce |
Brian Brush |
Michael Bryan |
Brylynn Farm |
Joseph Bucci |
David Buchanan |
Brooke Buffkin |
Bug Thoroughbreds |
Tony Bunting |
Mark Burdette |
Daniel Burke |
Burleson Farms |
Burning Daylight Farms |
Larry Burns |
David Bushey |
James Butcher |
Gerard Butler |
Anne Buxton |
Kelly Byrne |
Christine Cagle |
Kirt Cahill |
Ellen Caines |
Luis Calderin |
Thomas Caldroney |
Gregory Caliwag |
Peter Callahan |
Jeffrey Callan |
Mike Callanan |
Sayeli Camacho |
Barry Camarda |
Perry Camodeca |
Peter Campanella |
Ryan Campbell |
Vanessa Camperlengo |
Linda Cannon |
Juan Munoz Cano |
Joseph Canosa |
Can't Lose |
Canuck Racing Club 2 |
John Capek |
Gary Capuano |
Chris Carmen |
Clay Carnes |
Chris Carpenter |
George Carr |
Paul Carrozzo |
Dr Jamie Carter |
Wes Carter |
Paul Carter |
Jeffrey Carucci |
Carol Casella |
Dr Maurice Casey III |
Rose Cassidy |
Thomas Cassidy |
Carl Cathcart |
Steve Cauthen |
Cave Brook Farm |
Centennial Farms |
Victor Centeno |
Nestor Chacin |
Champion Racing Stable |
Tyler Chaney |
Pramote Changsila |
Jonna Chapman |
David Chasan |
Robert Chasanoff |
CHC Inc |
Checkmate Thoroughbreds |
Tom Chernesky |
Mark Cherry |
Daniel Cheung |
Chief Horse Futures |
Matthew Chmura |
Choctaw Racing Stable |
Paul Chubb |
Dan Chunilla |
George Chute |
Chris Cipolla |
Claiborne Farm |
Sean Clancy |
Tom Clark |
Cloyce Clark Jr |
Clarkland Farm |
Rip Claunch |
Robert Clay |
Al Clegg |
Christophe Clement |
Clifton Farm |
Clover Hill Farm |