where millions of dollars are won
and Eclipse Champions are crowned

Join the National Horseplayers Championship Tour and take the first step at becoming a legend!


The NHC is the world’s richest and most prestigious handicapping tournament of the year for horseplayers and is the culmination of a year-long series of NTRA-sanctioned local tournaments conducted by racetracks, casino race books, off-track betting facilities, and horse racing and handicapping websites, each of which sends its top qualifiers to the national finals. In order to be eligible to win an entry into the NHC, you must first be a member of the National Horseplayers Championship Tour.

Each year, the NHC winner joins other human and equine champions as an honoree at the Eclipse Awards. The most recent NHC offered prize money and awards totaling more than $4.4 million and named Paul Calia as the 2023 Horseplayer of the Year.

#NHC2025 will be held March 14-16, 2025 in Las Vegas


Memberships are based on the NHC TOUR YEAR, not a 12 month period. 

The 2024 NHC Tour will end on February 23, 2025.

The 2025 NHC Tour will begin on March 1, 2025.

Note: If you are joining to earn an entry for the 2025 NHC, you should sign up for the 2024 NHC Tour, and your membership will expire on February 23, 2023. Please use TOUR25 for $25 off any membership fee between January 2 and February 25.

If you are joining to earn an entry for the 2026 NHC, please wait until March 1, 2025 to join.


With your $50 Annual NTRA Membership, you’ll also receive and support:

NHC weekly newsletter

NTRA Advantage discount offers

Support legislative activities in Washington, DC

Support Thoroughbred Aftercare


With your $75 Annual NTRA Membership, you’ll also receive and support:

NHC weekly newsletter

NTRA Advantage discount offers

Support legislative activities in Washington, DC

Support Thoroughbred Aftercare


$30 credit


With your $95 Annual NTRA Membership, you’ll also receive and support:

NHC weekly newsletter

NTRA Advantage discount offers

Support legislative activities in Washington, DC

Support Thoroughbred Aftercare


$30 credit


$10 contribution to Thoroughbred Aftercare


$10 contribution to legislative activities in Washington, DC


Mentoring Program

If you are new to contest play, you have the ability to learn from some of the most talented and successful horseplayers in the game.

Player Rating

How do your handicapping skills stack up against your peers? The National Horseplayers Championship (NHC) rating system is similar to a handicap or rating used in golf, tennis, bowling and E-sports.

Free Contests

FREE Entry into Members Only Online Qualifiers offering 25 berths to the NHC, travel and complimentary hotel stay in Las Vegas.