Statement by Racing Medication and Testing Consortium (RMTC) Chairman Alex Waldrop on the decision by the United States Trotting Association (USTA) to reject the Association of Racing Commissioners International (RCI) model medication rules and withdraw from the RMTC:
We are disappointed with the decision by the USTA to reject the RCI model rules and withdraw from the RMTC. The USTA was among the 24 organizations that actively participated in a multi-year scientific research program that led the horse racing industry to the establishment of uniform national model rules for medication, penalties and testing.
In particular, the USTA objected to RMTC recommendations for the use of clenbuterol and corticosteroids, but these recommendations are the result of scientific research and ensure these medications cannot be abused in any way. The scientific research, as well as current regulations in California, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and other multi-breed jurisdictions, demonstrate that the uniform rules recommended by the RMTC and adopted by the RCI are the most effective way to ensure the safety of all race horses and the integrity of the sport, regardless of breed.
The RMTC will not deviate from this path for any reasons not supported by the science.